Friday, April 27, 2012

By the picture of these gorgeous drinks, you know it's Buffy again.  I was so excited when I saw the commercial for Daily's because I thought their name was "Daily Cocktails".  Yes!  Finally!  A company that endorses drinking EVERY day.  Even though I was off by an "s" on the name, I still think they have great products - drink packets you freeze and drink with no blender or ice required. Booze INCLUDED! Whaaaaat????   Everyone knows freezing water and putting it in a blender and then having to walk two feet to get a bottle of joy juice to add to the ice is EXACTLY the same as competing in a triathlon.  I just don't have that kind of "elite athlete" energy.  The frozen packets also work very well if your child sustains an injury on the little league field. 

Daily's has a great story. (they used to deliver orange juice daily to their customers - Buffy would have had plenty of vodka on the ready for that...)  Visit their site and buy their products

***Remember, even if you don't drink, you can ice your injuries.  "LEAVE MOMMY ALONE, SHE IS ICING HER THROWING ARM!"

Buffy has entered the building!  And, as usual, she is late. Daisy can confirm that I am good for putting every damn thing off until the last possible moment (and beyond in most cases).  I blame the booze and pills.  I have to drink and pop though, really. Every time I tried therapy it just ended up with me telling (true) stories about my life and my therapists laughing and enjoying themselves while I PAID THEM.  That, by the way, is fucking backwards.  So, I quit therapy...took up boozing...and now people pay me to be funny.  In an effort to try to get my drinking done in a timely manner I decided to try the Pomodoro Technique. In a nutshell (or shot glass in Buffy's case) one chooses a task and sets the adorable little tomato timer for 25 minute increments. One works on the task and when the tomato DINGS, one takes a break.  Brilliant!  I use my 25 minute blocks for trying new bourbons, taking my dog's Xanax, and sleeping until Daisy sends texts that say things like "Put up your goddamn blog post!",  then I get rewarded with a FIVE MINUTE BREAK!  God bless America.

Visit the site, buy their stuff, and try the technique. It helped good ole' boozy Buffy.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bonjour! It's Daisy! Buffy and I are finally getting around to creating our blog. She can give more info later. Right now I want to write a little love letter to my!!

Dear Oreo,

    You're such a simple cookie, yet you magically suck up my milk after 2 seconds of dunking. You come in so many different variety now, original chocolate and creme, golden and creme, berry burst, peanut butter (barf), holidays, fudge cover (dude who came up with this should get a raise), chocolate chocolate and everyone's favorite....triple double stuff. Oh wait, there's no such thing, I'll forgive you this once because you're yummy on ice cream and tooth paste. You also need to stop screwing me Oreo, your creme leaves a funky residue on the roof of my mouth after I've inhaled you and you stain my teeth before a date. And yet when I eat you I think of the fat little girl who loved to rolled down the hills in her backyard every summer. Happy 100th Birthday Oreo!!! Thanks for keeping my inner fat girl happy!!
