Friday, April 27, 2012

Buffy has entered the building!  And, as usual, she is late. Daisy can confirm that I am good for putting every damn thing off until the last possible moment (and beyond in most cases).  I blame the booze and pills.  I have to drink and pop though, really. Every time I tried therapy it just ended up with me telling (true) stories about my life and my therapists laughing and enjoying themselves while I PAID THEM.  That, by the way, is fucking backwards.  So, I quit therapy...took up boozing...and now people pay me to be funny.  In an effort to try to get my drinking done in a timely manner I decided to try the Pomodoro Technique. In a nutshell (or shot glass in Buffy's case) one chooses a task and sets the adorable little tomato timer for 25 minute increments. One works on the task and when the tomato DINGS, one takes a break.  Brilliant!  I use my 25 minute blocks for trying new bourbons, taking my dog's Xanax, and sleeping until Daisy sends texts that say things like "Put up your goddamn blog post!",  then I get rewarded with a FIVE MINUTE BREAK!  God bless America.

Visit the site, buy their stuff, and try the technique. It helped good ole' boozy Buffy.  

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